
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Move Fast and Break Things - Being Decisive in Business - Pete Lorimer Podcast
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
Tuesday Jan 15, 2019
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Thanks so much for being here. ❤️ P
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:49] “One of the most important facets of me being able to have a successful business or businesses is, I move fast!”
[03:21] “MY Education or evidence only gets in 65% of the way the rest of it the 35% which I feel is the hardest, 35% of making any decision especially when it comes to changing direction is instinct.”
[04:24] “Perfection is the death of Industry.”
[07:14] “The amount of business owners that I have spoken to that have had all these great ideas and strategies and techniques and it never happens, is way more than hit the shipping date!”
[08:28] “the only commodity we have is time and if I don't try something because I'm afraid of what other people think, I have betrayed myself and taking a withdrawal out of my bank of days which is limited."
[08:56] “I would much rather run a thousand miles an hour into a brick wall then wonder “am I doing the right thing by not doing the right thing”?”
External Links for this episode:
Thanks very much for listening...

Thursday May 03, 2018
Thursday May 03, 2018
This podcast is just two mates chatting that both like to impart their wisdom on the world on the best techniques deployed for the upper echelon of real estate client - Luxury!
I got to learn a lot about Mr. Gold. He’s from the valley and dabbled in standup comedy, but wasn’t good at the suffering part of it. So, he went full steam ahead in Real Estate and became a heavy weight.
He talks about how he picked up the pieces after a market crash, how he got his start early on with Zillow and the importance of being of service and sharing knowledge. Plus how to follow up and what to say and when.
We also touch on our creative sides AND he gives tips on how to find clients on the upper bracket of clientele and tricks of the trade.
We really run the gamut on this one. He couldn’t have been a cooler guest!
Thanks for listening and for being part of the rebellion.

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Peter Lorimer Podcast – How I Got My Netflix Show
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Recorded Live At Skirball Cultural Center
This opportunity fell out of the sky… (sorta) but really it happened because I’ve been pounding and pounding and pounding on the same path, in an unstoppable manner, for over 2 years now. I was unshakable in my belief that the direction I was headed in was the right one. And it was a gamble that has paid off.
The short of it is - I decided to open an email for a casting call, which I never do. They took the time to put my name in the subject of the email, so I figured I’d see what it was all about. It seemed interesting, so I reached out not thinking I stood a chance. (I’m a bit of an oddball and not just another guy in a suit, as most of you know, so I didn’t even consider it a possibility.) Cut to - the producers want to me come in and do a “chemistry test” with a rather huge HGTV personality... Now I really think I’m done for…
BUT, I still went in there balls to the wall, living by one of my mantras, “I’m never afraid to make the wrong move… I’d rather make all the wrong moves than never make any.“ I get a call shortly after and it’s to say, “Congratulations, you got it”. At this point, I’m just floored… truly floored. I assumed I was up against maybe 2 other people tops. They then tell me they have been searching for someone for over a year, looking all around the world. “You and your company are light years ahead of what anyone else is doing”. I can’t tell you the vindication I felt in hearing those words.
And there you have it. I got the most amazing opportunity to travel up and down and all around the US, with the show. I was able to interview countless people and get the true pulse of the country. I learned so much, but will give you this one HUGE tip now- everyone wants that personal touch and they don’t completely trust the technology out there, when it comes to Real Estate. They confirmed what I’ve been saying all along… Technology isn’t the answer, the story and social interaction is. That is what people want. You have to sell yourself in an original way. They care about YOU and not just the market update.
More details to come on the show
Thanks for being a part of this incredible journey AND for being part of the rebellion

Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Peter Lorimer Podcast - The Power Of The Pause
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Peter Lorimer Podcast This Week...
This is a mantra super close to my heart, as I’ve implemented in my daily life for over two decades now. That’s how effective it is. We all experience instances where we are questioning ourselves in terms of what we are doing, where we are going in life, what’s happening with the people around us, etc. We all get in situations where we become overemotional and our judgment gets a bit clouded. For example: Is my client working with another realtor? The person I’m working with on this deal just really pissed me off, etc. The way to handle any of these situations is simple… just PAUSE. The Power Of The Pause will save you from making big mistakes, possibly ruining relationships and veering off your path.
A few rules for when you find yourself wanting to react to something that’s got you riled up or filled with doubt. Stop, take a breather and remember…
- If it’s a good idea now, it’s still going to feel like a good idea the next morning.
- If we react too quickly it’s saying that we don’t trust the person we are dealing with, or that we don’t trust ourselves.
- Sometimes things are time sensitive and we don’t have a whole day to sit on it, but we can always take SOME time. Take an hour to calm down and then reassess.
The Power Of The Pause is a life tactic I implore you to adopt. You’ll be stunned at how much second-guessing it will settle within yourself and just how many negative situations it will help you avoid getting yourself into! Trust me.
I really appreciate all of the responses. Thanks for listening AND for being part of the rebellion.

Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
Tuesday Mar 27, 2018
So the podcast this week I travel to Detroit to deliver a keynote to a very posh luncheon crowd with the subject matter being "How to be a Rockstar Agent" which I hasten to add a title I did not make up but am very flattered by. Unlike the vlog this is the ENTIRE KEYNOTE so grab a cup of coffee and pull up a chair as its a long one but well worth it as I drop all the tips & techniques I have used over the years to help me have a successful real estate career and booming brokerage in the saturated and uber competetive Los Angeles market.
The talk was about shattering some of the traditional methods of real estate and embracing the new. Peeling back the old fashioned veneer of "Client & Customer" and following the new school of running to your tribe.
For too long, fear of upsetting people has paralyzed our industry ergo making it an ocean of vanilla. When I was a new agent I make a point of smashing any barriers between agent and client to dust. It was one of the best things I ever did professionally, and it has paid me back in spades.
Thanks so much for watching and for being part of the rebellion.

Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
My Opinions on Zillow - The Ninja of Hashtags - Silicon Valley Closing Gift
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Tuesday Mar 20, 2018
Peter Lorimer Podcast This Week...
This weeks show is in three parts, the first topic I will be covering is the Gorilla in the room if real estate, Zillow. I will go over my thoughts and opinions regarding rhe giant of the real estate industry. Love it or hate it it is most certainly here to stay so I wanted to give you an idea of what my stance is in the mix of it all.
Second item on the docket is how to use hashtags. Have you ever sat staring at your phone after doing a killer post wracking your brain for hashtags or worse still "What thwe heck are hashtags!!". Well calm your nerves because I have a playbook on the subject that should shed some light on the subject, plus I will tell you how I use them.
Last but not least, Silicon Valley does it again with Evabot which is a much more sophisticated way for us to send closing gifts to our people than the mad dash to the mall on your way to the final walkthough. Evabot makes the process simple and painless but with the HUGE added bonus of being able to track data too.
I really appreciate so many of you texting, emailing and sending love its greatly appreciated and I will have another podcast out next week. Thanks for listening AND for being part of the rebellion.

Monday Mar 05, 2018
The Art of the Pivot
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Monday Mar 05, 2018
Peter Lorimer Podcast - "The Art of The Pivot"
This weeks podcast is a short but very sweet one, 2018 is a benchmark year in our industry with the ground literally shifting beneath our feet. BIG DATA is the buzz word de jour and I am seeing it instill anxiety into many independent contractors I see in Los Angeles. For me, big data is an awesome ally to augment but not replace us. In this podcast I offer direction of how to blend the digital and traditional business worlds to create a powerful elixir that will propel you to more success.
Thanks very much for listening and for being part of the rebellion.

Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Goal Hitting - Techniques on How I do it
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Tuesday Feb 27, 2018
Goal Hitting - Techniques on How I do it!
Goals are an integral part of who we are as business people, love them or hate them they are a necessary evil and when used in a more constructive manner as apposed to destructive (by hating ourselves for not reaching them) they can become powerful allies.
In this podcast I go over techniques I have used to make my goals be something I look forward to rather than being overwhlemed. The secreret is knowing what we have control over, digging in and working as hard as we we possibly can but then keeping out of the results. Now I get that this may sound counterintuitive but I am here to tell you that its worked for me over the years and several succesful business' so I wanted to share some of these techniques and strategies with you along with mu ususal anicdote or two.
Dont forget to subscribe and and feel free to leave comments and above all thanks for listening and for being part of the rebellion!

Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
The Mystery of Facebook Pixel Revealed
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Tuesday Feb 20, 2018
Facebook Pixel is probably one of the most important evolutions of the ever changing “Thousand Pound Gorilla” of a platform Facebook, and I decided to share my thoughts on it at the PLG Estates weekly staff meeting in Beverly Hills including what exactly it is and how to use it.
The audio below is from one of the private company meetings, recorded in Beverly Hills a few days ago from the time of this post and hopefully you will find some useful nuggets and strategies you can deploy in your business. Many more podcasts to come to thanks for listening and...
...thanks for being part of the rebellion.
Recorded Thursday February 16th 2018 - Conference Room - PLG Estates - Beverly Hills