
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Wednesday Nov 06, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
Bob Lucido started out in real estate at 18 years old. Bob and his wife own Lucido Agency, with over 150 agents across the country.
They partner with passionate agents and provide them with the service, tools, and support of Lucido's powerful full-service real estate team - empowering agents to deliver the ultimate real estate experience by providing incredible value and exceptional service to their clients.
Bob Lucido Team encompasses its Maryland agents and is also the headquarters. Lucido Agency encompasses all expansion agents across the U.S. and Canada.
He has 43 years under his belt in this industry, but you won't find him stagnant. An avid reader and a glutton for constructive criticism - he's constantly working to improve.
He contributes his success in real estate to surrounding himself with the right people. And the right people, in his opinion, care more about others than themselves. They have integrity, they're team players, coachable, and have a servant's heart.
If you ever find Lucido sitting by himself in a corner at Starbucks, you'll know he's implementing his trusted Starbucks Strategy. He's an appointment guy - always hankering for in-person meetings. My kinda guy.
The guy has no ego and no fear. I really enjoy talking shop with other real estate agents who really get it, and this conversation has me on cloud nine.
Thanks for listening. I'd love to hear what you think about this one, friends.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[03:02] “Dinner always tastes better with friends” - Peter Lorimer
[04:40] “having the right people in your life - having coaches and support mechanism is incredibly important” - Bob Lucido
[07:06] “number one is integrity, Warren Buffett says if they don't have that the interview is over” - Bob Lucido
[07:26] “if they’re not a team player that's a cancer to any organization” - Bob Lucido
[08:41] “nobody works for me I work for everybody else” - Bob Lucido
[10:59] “There’s only success in action, we can’t think our way into right action, but we can act our way into right thinking” - Peter Lorimer
[13:33] “but now there are a myriad of online outlets that in my opinion are selling poor to very poor leads, and all that doing is evaporating the hours in the day that I have” - Peter Lorimer
[23:44] “I don't believe you've ever arrived you're always getting there” - Bob Lucido
[30:35] “You either alive and growing or dead and dying” - Bob Lucido
For more info on Bob:
Bob Lucido Team
Facebook: @BobLucidoTeam
Instagram: @BobLucidoTeam
Website: BobLucidoTeam.com
Lucido Agency
Facebook: @LucidoAgency
Instagram: @LucidoAgency
Website: LucidoDifference.com
Thanks for being here:
❤️ Pete

Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Wednesday Oct 30, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
I've seen many agents chasing shiny new objects. There's an epidemic of Shiny New Object Syndrome.
Sure, there are definitely techniques we can use to enhance technology and further our relationships with our clients. But if we try to compete in the binary world, we'll never win.
We're going to fail if we try to be better than tech.
Think about the doctors, lawyers, and other professionals you work with. We all work with people that we trust and people that have empathy for us. Personal interactions will always get the most value.
But you can use technology to create more opportunities for personal interactions. How? The drum I won't quit banging on. Social media. Social media demonstrates who you are. Optimism, belief structures, compassion, parenting.
Who cares if you there's a platform that can make a transaction a little quicker? Stop having sterile interactions with your clients. Take the time and book a phone call or a video conference.
We are peddlers of trust--no computer can do that. As long as trust, compassion, empathy are arrows in our quiver, our future is bright.
Stop underselling your business. Don't blend in. Stand out. #boutiqueisbetter. Here's this week's episode of the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[03:47] “as human beings if we chase after doing what computers can do better than us we're gonna fail.”
[05:42] “I have three children, if one of my kids get sick I'm not gonna hit an Uber doctor for the most convenient doctor that’s around the block. I’m gonna go to someone that knows my family, that I like, that I trust, that has empathy for me, that is gonna only want the very best for me and my family.”
[07:24] “When I'm buying a car, right, I still need to look into the dude's eyes or the woman's eyes as they give me the keys and go if something goes wrong I can bring this back right I need accountability I need to look at someone and feel some kind of trust and compassion.”
[08:49] “the commodity that we have that has the most value is personal interaction.”
[11:48] “we are peddlers of trust there is nothing that can replace that, no computer can Uberize our trust and no computer can Uberize our empathy.”
[13:03] “boutiques are flourishing better than they have done in years and the giants of filing for bankruptcy”
Thanks for being here ❤️

Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Wednesday Oct 23, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
There's quite a bit of confusion and fear swirling about right now. And fear can really be paralyzing. Especially when we are dealing with massive things like property and people's homes. Emotions are at their highest during times like these.
Our clients look to us for guidance, leadership, and forecasting. Sure, you aren't sitting there with a crystal ball. People think PLG Estates is full of street wisdom. That did not come naturally. We research, consistently.
Ultimately, it's about treating your clients like family. When you do that, you'll strive to offer them the best advice possible.
If you're an agent feeling overwhelmed by the nation's current atmosphere, give this podcast a listen, and put the next step forward in offering your clients the best possible service. Here's this week's episode of the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[02:11] “fear can be paralyzing especially with an asset as massive as real estate and asset as massive as property”
[02:44] “When there is confusion in the air, now is the time to act”
[07:39] “find a niche it doesn't have to be super super super super tiny but find a niche and go for it otherwise everybody's just the same”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Wednesday Oct 16, 2019
Greetings and welcome to The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
I'm the single largest critic when it comes to myself and my business. My very first thoughts of the day are not always positive.
I know I put positivity and excitement into the universe and come across as being pretty secure. To be quite honest, I'm probably one of the most insecure people you'll meet. But I flip the script of negativity in my brain and I charge forward.
Do you love challenging the system? Do you think differently? Are there naysayers in your life? I get it. It's hard. But, in my opinion - you can't be too creative.
I see fear driving real estate. Just because you're the only one around you that feels this way does not mean you're wrong.
There's mad respect out there for those that are willing to have a crack at it. If you want to be different, be different. Let's do it. Check out this week's episode of The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[03:00] “as my mate Gary Vee says: “our business is already stepped against us” so if we go in there with the attitude that we may lose we’re done, we have lost the game”
[05:01] “in order for us to be successful we have to treat it like an athlete treats their career, we got to work at it every single day and when we're not in front of clients we got to be learning our tray.”
[05:34] “Every failure brings us closer to a triumph right if it was easy everybody would do it.”
[06:54] “I am going to give it everything I've got to be successful in the music industry otherwise I'm going to kick myself for the rest of my life, if I give it my all and I fail, then at least I know I've done it I've maxed it out, and if it doesn't work it doesn't work.”
[07:16] “everybody wears a vanilla shroud because I think they’re too afraid to kind of pop out and show that personality in case somebody doesn't like them.”
[08:46] “when you do things that are different other people feel uncomfortable around you”
[09:21] “imagine just how beautiful it tastes when you do it your way and you win”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Wednesday Oct 09, 2019
Life is full of hardship. I recently went through an extremely difficult and emotional hardship. I learned something that has been incredibly instrumental for me in life and in business, and in efforts to be of service to you, I want to share.
Acceptance: life on life's terms, and how to turn it into your advantage.
When my lovely mother passed away, I found myself at a crossroads. I've been here before. I could be a victim, or I could be of service. I decided to remove what I wanted from the situation and put into the situation what I thought she would've wanted. I came away with it with absolutely no regrets. My focus was not on me - it was on my mother and what she would have wanted.
It sounds weak, but it's actually the opposite. When you accept what is happening, you can quit manipulating and you are able to have a clarity of purpose. You can let go of expectations.
When you are absolutely of service, it's easy to make the right decisions.
The game has changed. Real estate is now 49% transactional and 51% service. As a new agent, I learned to remove my expectations and made it entirely about being of service to my clients. Worked well then, and it works well now.
They're not going to remember much except for the way you make them feel. Let's dive in, friends. Here's this week's episode of the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[06.53] “I can be a victim or I can go into ultimate ninja service”
[07:35] “at the end of the day we are masters of our own destiny and I think that's the type of entrepreneurial spirit that I tend to and I like to attract”
[08:26] “I was just a spectator and I was there to ultimately, and in its purest essence be of service”
[10:54] “It’s not what you do, it’s how you do it.”
[12:04] “people don't wanna work with a robot they wanna work with someone that is empathetic to their needs”
[16:29] “when I get out of my own way, when I stay out with my expectations, when I stay in service, the Universe just has this wonderful way of making everything to play out perfectly”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Wednesday Oct 02, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
This week's podcast is about surrounding ourselves with knowledge. If we want to grow, we have to rub shoulders with those that are more successful than we are.
I have to learn. I may have dropped out of high school., but today I drink from the firehose of life.
It's my duty to learn. And the best way to do that is by finding a mentor.
When I was getting sober, I stopped spending time with people that were distracting me from sobriety. The same is true in business. Spend time with people who will push you towards your goal. People you can learn from and be inspired by.
Tip #1 - Ask one person out for coffee each week. The fear with this is that they're too busy or don't want to go. 95% of them will say yes.
Tip #2 - Once a month (or more), take someone that you admire out for lunch.
Tip #3 - Really good mentors are super busy, so you probably need more than one.
There are tons of mentors that will never see your face. They'll mentor you in the form of websites, books, podcasts, and videos.
Meet some of my favorite mentors that I don't actually meet with:
Tim Ferriss podcast
Hack the Entrepreneur podcast
Seth Godin
Casey Neistat
Bigger Pockets podcast
Ultimately, help others. Give everything you know away. And dedicate yourself to consistent learning. On that note, let's get to it in this week's episode of the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[02:07] “for me success isn't something that necessarily I created, success is me following the footsteps of people that have done a very similar thing to what I done, before”
[02:23] “having someone go forth before you, is incredibly valuable”
[09:45] “getting shut down is part of the gig, if people say no, move on to someone else”
[13:30] “when I have had to make business decisions I imagine Richard Branson, is sitting across the table from me”
External links:
Masters Of Scale - Reid Hoffman
Tim Ferriss Podcast - Tim Ferriss
Hack The Entrepreneur - Jon Nastor
Seth Godin Podcast - Seth Godin
GaryVee Audio Experience - Gary Vaynerchuk
Bigger Pockets - Brandon Turner and David Greene
Youtube Channels:
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Wednesday Sep 25, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
Today's podcast is about goals - sure. But more than that, it's about preparing your mind, body, and soul for future business.
Oh, and the evil spiritual navigator that can easily take us off course.
You've probably guessed it - the evil navigator is fear. Once fear gets his hands on the wheel, you can bet your ass it's going to end badly. Whereas if we proactively set goals - business and personal - and keep negativity at bay, the world really is our oyster. So let me break down my thoughts for you in another rousing episode of The Creative Entrepreneur podcast.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[02:09]“My future actions will not be determined by fear, only by faith fueled by experience”
[06:08] “Goal setting for me isn't just a yearly thing, it's a weekly, sometimes a daily, a weekly, a monthly, a quarter, every six months, a year in life goals”
[06:29] “when we track our goals which aren't necessarily financial, our business improves cause there's something pulling us along”
[11:27] “When it's a tangible goal and it's not too ethereal, I believe it's easier to hit, and what that does is it pulls you up a little bit of a hill”
[14:23] “all I'm gonna do is bust my ass so that I can achieve certain spiritual, financial goals that I want to share with my family”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
Today’s podcast I lovingly call my “Jump Out Of A Plane And Find A Parachute On The Way Down” Episode.
The old adage of fear vs faith is something of which I have long subscribed. I am notorious for only being able to get 65% of the way there with logic, the other 35% being a massive leap of faith. We are here to create and take risks in business.
In this episode, I will go over a few of my theories on how to do just that (along with a few of my favorite anecdotes). So without further ado, it’s time to take a leap into another episode of The Creative Entrepreneur podcast.
Golden Nuggets from This Episode:
[02:00] “the purpose of life is to create a message which when matched with purpose creates impact”
[02:47] “if our purpose is clear, if our message is defined then our impact is Inevitable”
[04:07] “ if I don't leap first if I don't have faith that I'm gonna succeed, what happens is, the fear can come in and then you can restrict me”
[04:53] “possibility plus risk plus commitment delivers success or creativity whichever you prefer”
[08:38] “every moment of your existence you’re either moving toward your goal or moving away from it”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
Wednesday Sep 11, 2019
A lot of people are talking about what's going to happen next in the economy and in this industry. I believe that we are nearing the end of this insane growth and closing in on some contractions across all industries.
So, roll up your sleeves and dig in. This is the golden period.
One of the biggest enemies in business is negativity. It's like a predator. The moment you shut your eyes, it attacks. It'll always be around, so keep moving.
Here are some practical ways to squeeze every last bit out of the rest of the year:
👉 Treat each day like it's the day before going on vacation. Think about how much you squeeze into that day. Tasks, errands, work. Every hour you utilize propels you forward. It's about time compression. What can you pack into an hour?
👉 Reach out to your clients. Stop automating things. Technology is a tool, but you have to get personal with your clients. Nothing replaces real contact.
👉 Show your client base the 360-degree view of you.
Let's make the most out of these next several weeks, friends. Here's this week's episode of the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[03:39] “the biggest enemy of business development, in my opinion, is negativity”
[04:35] “Negativity is absolutely a predator that waits for the gazelle with the one key leg to run by, and when it finds that gazelle it will devour it.”
[06:17] “treat each day like it's a day before I'm going on vacation”
[07:36] “time compression what can I pack into an hour that would normally take four and then multiply 10,000 throughout the year”
[08:13] “ if you automate things you are automating your demise”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
Yes, it’s that time people! We are at the last 120 days of the year. It barely feels like we are out of the summer and already the holidays are looming upon us. In my podcast today I will go over my strategies and techniques to help you squeeze every last bit of juice out of the last four months of the year. This is a time when we can really take advantage of our industry as many tend to kick back and enjoy all the parties and revelry that the end of the year brings. I have always made a point of putting my foot to the gas and cranking up the heat to scooping and catch a business that others lead on the table so let’s chop it up in another episode of the creative entrepreneur podcast.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:24] “What is happening today in your pipeline represents the work you did 6 months ago.” - Unknown
[03:13] “when I have a healthy and balanced family life it makes my work life so much better"
[09:10] “this chunk of the year is prospecting gold”
[10:12] “Nothing says you don't care about that more than using a generic message”
Thanks for being here,