
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Wednesday Aug 28, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
Burnout, one of the most paralyzing things in business. It happens to us all (especially in real estate). This podcast covers my top 5 tips for avoiding it - before it takes over.
👉 Prioritize your workload the night before. No one likes waking up to a mountain of work, especially when it all seems equally important.
👉 Work with purpose (by doing things like getting rid of time vampires, A.K.A., toxic clients).
👉 Give away everything you've learned--without prejudice and expectation.
👉 Exercise. (Admittedly, my least favorite.) It's my therapy and making it a priority will immensely reduce stress.
👉 Don't worry about the results. Ultimately, you don't have control over what happens anyways. You simply need to work as hard as you can and let go of the results. Remove the notion that you have control.
Friends, burnout is lurking behind every corner. Follow these five tips, and you'll kick it to the curb. Join me for this week's episode of The Creative Entrepreneur to hear more.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[02:37] “at the end of the day we're not gonna get to everybody most likely, we have to get to the people that we need to get to”
[05:22] “toxic clients will be a time vampire on you and they will be incredibly demanding they will make you feel crappy you will not enjoy your job you'll begin to hate life and then that stress will build up.
[06:08] “give everything away that you have learned without prejudice and without expectation”
[09:19] “I don't go to the gym for my body, I go to the gym for my mind.”
[10:02] “We are not in control of people places and things, all we are in control of Is us.”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Wednesday Aug 21, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
The essence of relevancy involves staying apprised of the current happenings. Meaning, you have to know what's going on all the time. It takes daily work--we should always be evolving and changing.
Because, if we aren't moving forward--we're moving backward.
To stay relevant, you should constantly be working to know every piece of your craft. Learn and dive all in with it. Next, ACT. Don't react. People hire you for your value-add, and as a real estate agent, a big piece of that is predicting.
Take control of your marketing. If you aren't spending money online, carving out your digital identity - it's a matter of time before you become irrelevant. Ultimately, it's about getting in front of people. And creating content for others about you gives them context when they actually do meet you IRL.
The fundamental cornerstone of everything: Give it all away. Freely. It works better than anything you could imagine (and it's the right thing to do).
It's been the biggest gamechanger in my entire career. Give it away, with your spin on it.
Own who you are. Ok, let's get into it, friends. Here's this week's episode of The Creative Entrepreneur.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[03:50] “handing over our imprint to other people to do it, handing over our marketing, you know, our footprint, our digital identity to someone else fills me with absolute terror”
[04:59] “you got to be able to predict what's coming, your clients are counting on you to be able to predict what is coming down the pipe”
[06:28] “if you are not spending money online carving out your digital identity I believe it is a question of time before you become irrelevant.”
[10:24] “helping someone paying it forward whatever the buzz phrase is not only does it work, my God it works better than anything you could imagine! But on top of that, It's the right thing to do it makes me feel good it makes me feel like I have a happier life”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
12 Rounds with Tyson / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Wednesday Aug 14, 2019
Your first two years in real estate are going to be awful. You're going to be full of doubt and fear. And every time you pick yourself back up, you'll get punched back down.
For at least a year.
For twelve months, expect to get knocked down. Which is why I always recommend that aspiring new agents stash at least a year's worth of living expenses away before jumping in.
You'll likely eat ramen noodles for an entire year. I did. Nevertheless, you have to make it 12 months before quitting. It's a benchmark. I've seen it happen time and time again - agents want to quit so badly, and right around that year mark, they land their first deal.
You will hear a lot of negativity - namely from yourself. Block it out. Expect the negativity to become fainter, and get prepared for doubt to show up. But don't give up.
Because at 12 months, the seeds that you planted for a year begin to turn into sprouts and grow. And then you have a client base to nurture. Don't lose faith.
To get yourself through that dark first year, set goals. And maybe not actual dollar amounts. Try setting goals like "get out of debt" or "go to Disney World", etc.
You want to lie down at night knowing you squeezed every bit out of the day that you could. So, even when you get knocked down, get back up and keep punching.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[03:08] “your first year to two years is gonna be like getting in the ring with Mike Tyson you are gonna have your head smashed in”
[04:13] “Look at your first two years as an apprenticeship and try and have at least one year's money stashed away.”
[06:46] “you just got to last 12 rounds which equates to 12 months right? You gotta last for 12 rounds because if you don't last 12 rounds Tyson's gonna win the match”
External links
Thank you for being here,
❤️ Pete

Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
The Secret Sauce / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
You can reset your mind every. single. day. And it starts with gratitude.
I'm a chronic optimist. Of course, darkness comes. That's why this is a skill.
My early days of sobriety taught me to have gratitude. To love and be grateful for what's in front of me.
Because life is full of surprises, some days start on a negative foot. So this next tip will give you the tools and mindset you need to power through that doom and gloom that happens from time to time. Start your day with writing down 10 things you are grateful for. This will reset your mind. The fact that you woke up in the United States of America will give you a handful of items right off the bat.
We work as hard as we can, going in one direction with patience and energy and gratitude.
It's a choice. It doesn't always come easy. And the reality is, you'll have adversity. Moments will be scary. But remember this: adversity is the cornerstone of success. If it were easy, everyone would do it.
Starting out in real estate is grueling. When my wife and I started out, we didn't take a breath. We worked HARD. Why? It has little to do with money. We love what we do, we love those that we work with, and we ultimately and absolutely love our children.
I know what I want to see when I look back at my life. I want to see more time with my family.
Remaining in optimism can be tough. But we have to stay in it.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[04:00] “starting your day by writing down 10 things that you are grateful for will reset your mind”
[06:17] “waiting for divine intervention doesn't mean kicking back home on your sofa watching Netflix, smoking a doobie!”
[07:17] “adversity is the cornerstone of success if it was easy everyone would do it”
[09:49] “I am lucky that I see my children all the time, I make sure that I have a schedule where I can have dinner with them seven days a week”
[11:25] “Negative thoughts are like bullies, if you listen to them, they kind of got you cornered!”
Thank you for being here,

Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Setting Intentions / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
I love digital. But I'm about to bust out something analog.
Let's dive into how I set intentions. I've tried every note-taking app that exists, but honestly, what works for me is (drumroll, please) a pen and paper.
I can keep a lot in my head, but it's incredibly powerful to write something down. Before becoming a real estate agent, I wrote down my goals. They were lofty goals, such as becoming the number one real estate agent in my area, getting married, etc. I lost the book. Several years later, we found it and lo and behold, I'd met almost all of them.
Grab your notebook and pen, write down how many transactions you want to do, how much money you want to make, your health goals, your travel goals, etc., etc.
If you can't handle something as archaic as pen and paper, I love Trello. Either way, the most important takeaway is this: set your intentions now for the rest of this year and the year to come. The longer you delay, the longer you wait to get started on the path.
Give this podcast a listen and take the rest of the year by storm.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[03:33] “There is something incredibly powerful about writing goals on paper”
[05:12] “I'm famous for saying paper is dead, well paper is dead, unless it's in a Moleskine”
[06:41] “if you set your intentions now the giant wheels in the machinery of the Universe will begin to run the cogs together to enable that path to be opened, the longer you delay the longer you wait to walk down that path.”
External Links:
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Kill Vanilla / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
Wednesday Jul 24, 2019
You can always count on this: things change.
There's nothing to fear. We are no longer at the mercy of traditional ways to get our business discovered. Outbound engagement is your tool for staying on top. It's no secret that I prefer video, but there are plenty of other formats to get yourself in front of your tribe.
If you don't love being in front of the camera, get behind it. Create vlogs and documentaries that give your audience a 360-degree view of who you are.
Love to write? Don't forget blogs.
Love to talk? Maybe podcasts are your thing.
Either way, you have to start showing people who you are, because commonalities create connections (read: running towards your tribe).
Vanilla is pervasive, especially in corporate industries. That's okay, though. That means we can stand out; more business for us.
Don't have the numbers you want? Grind. Get up early and work late. And rest in this... it'll all change soon.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[03:33] “proactive agents or proactive business owners are the people who have outbound strategies”
[04:11] “Those of us that take control of our professional destiny's and don't just leave it in the hands of others, in my opinion, will prevail, this is like a Game of Thrones episode!”
[09:07] “The world has completely changed, so surely so should our strategies”
[11:44] “so the three things that drive the real estate industry: interest rates, buyers, and sellers, everything is lined up. The planets aligned to make the glory years. For those of you who are in the industry now who don't have the numbers that you want, this is the time to grind.”
[12:36] “change always comes! It will go from good to bad and then bad to good and vice-versa”
Thanks for being here,
Peter Lorimer

Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
The Art Of Execution / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Wednesday Jul 17, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
Stay in action and stay in execution.
How do I do this? Admittedly, blindly. I do the next thing on my list. Rinse, wash, repeat. Don't overthink it. Don't let opinions get in the way.
Speaking of opinions, when dealing with clients, remove ALL opinion of the other person. Remove the hierarchy and treat everyone the same. In sales, it's one's natural instinct to think about how much you'll get from someone and in turn, that affects your opinion of them. Don't do this. You never know what's going to happen, and your service to someone else should never be affected by the potential dollar amount you hope to receive in return.
And here's the key (to all business, IMHO): stay out of expectations. Remove all of them.
Get your mind right and show up--that's the meat of it.
Don't get caught up in these two words: winning and losing. All winning means is that you're better at not quitting. And on that note, we should never need someone else to give us a high five.
Need to get your mind ready for action? Here's this week's episode of the Creative Entrepreneur.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[03:17] “your opinion of the client should never ever ever be related to how much money you can earn off them” - Peter Lorimer
[05:41] “if we remove our expectations and only remain in service the universe gives us a big ahhhhhh (ovation sound) and keep sending us more and more and more business!” - Peter Lorimer
[06:48] “80% of successful people is about the mindset only 20% is about the execution” - Peter Lorimer
[07:51] “90% of it, is showing up!” - Richard 'Humpty' Vission
[08:33] “What winning means to me is that you are better at not quitting!” - Peter Lorimer
[09:56] “when you look outside for validation it means you're on the slow road to internal death.” Cindy Lorimer
Thank you for being here,

Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
The More I Know, The Less I Know / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
It's a medical fact that we only use about 5% of our brains.
All we need to see is what's right in front of us and have faith we will make it the rest of the way. A lot of people look for certainty. For me, the greatest decisions I've made in my life were based on faith and intuition (and my streetwise gut).
We must learn to trust our intuition. Base your intuition on your gut (not your head). Your head will talk you out of things and introduce fear. Your intuition will take you places you've never been before.
It may just be less about certainty, and more about intuition.
The more I learn, the less I know.
Let's go. Here's this week's episode of The Creative Entrepreneur.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[05:39] “we intuitively can figure out what's going on”
[06:41] “We must trust our intuition, that doesn't mean we have to be scared of everyone it means don't base our intuition on fear, it means to base our intuition on the gut!”
[06:52] “If I had listened to my head, I would never left England”
[07:22] “It is a medical fact that we only use about 6 ounces of our brain; that's like you know half an avocado”
[07:32] “95% of our brain is not used yet the other side of our brain really really reacts in an intuitive way”
[09:07] “the greatest decisions I have made in my life, every single one of them, was based on faith and intuition and my streetwise gut”
External links:
A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness(Documentary)

Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
When the Internet started to become more prevalent, there was an avalanche of information. There still is, every day. How do you make yourself and your brand "sticky"?
It starts with Personal Brand Mission Control (your new name for your website).
Here's how to do it:
Step 1: Build a website that stands out. I tried several platforms and LOVE Squarespace. You get to be in control.
Step 2: Create and push out content on social platforms and let the original content live on your website. Create content that is valuable and engaging. Give it all away. Make yourself invaluable.
Step 3: Use Facebook Pixel to collect information from your website visitors and then gently market to those visitors.
That's how PLG Estates has grown.
I work hard, I keep my head out of expectations, and try to give it all away.
Let's grab your professional destiny by the reins! Here's this week's episode of the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast.
Golden Nuggets From This Episode:
[02:39] “At the end of the day the only thing that separates us from the machine is personality”
[02:48] “the more you can say about yourself, the more you put out about yourself, the more you stand out against the vanilla noise”
[06:41] “we are not gonna call it website, we are gonna be calling it a personal brand mission control”
[07:12] “I want a hub, I want a mission control where all of my stuff is housed”
[07:55] “Facebook pixel collects the digital data so that I can then re-market it to a crowd that already is interested in me”
[08:30] “if you're provided a company website it's a template that they give to all of their people”
[08:56] “ If you don't stand out, you blend in”
[14:54] “give it all away and make yourself invaluable”
[16:24] “I would say 80 to 85% of all real estate agents I know, don’t even have a website, they just have a page on a company website. Well, that says a whole lot to me if I am looking for you to sell my house!”
External Links:
Seth Godin Audiobook - "Tribes"
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
The Toxic Comparison / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
There's ALWAYS going to be someone who does more business than you. The toxic comparison starts when you begin to compare yourself and think, "I'll never be there, why should I even try?" Smash toxic comparisons.
When I was a new agent, I struggled. I didn't make a penny for almost a year. Some of the best advice I received during that time was to nurture the people that trust me and do not compare. Focus on and nurture the basket of eggs you have (and don't worry about those you don't).
Along with stopping comparisons in their tracks and nurturing what's in front of you, I implore you to work. Results are directly related to the amount of work we put in. For every hour you work successfully in your twenties and thirties, you multiply later in life.
Let's smash those toxic comparisons together, friends. Here's this week's episode of the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:19] “no matter how far up or down the ladder we are, we can't help but compare ourselves to people who are above or people who are bellow.”
[03:00] “there is always going to be someone that does more business than you, And conversely is always going to be someone that does less business than you”
[05:10] “10 million dollar houses very rarely get sold but there are hundreds of 1 million dollar houses that get sold all the time”
[07:26] “I don't look at look at contacts as deals I look contacts as people and people refer people if they like you and I trust you!”
[09:35] “the commodity that fuses with time beautifully is a work ethic”
Thanks or being here,