
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
The Future Belongs To The Brave / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Thursday Jun 06, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
The future belongs to the brave.
Change can sometimes bring fear. Fear can penetrate our belief structures and we can succumb to letting it take the wheel. And we crash.
When Richard Branson launched Virgin Airways, the bank declined funding for the business on Friday night before everything was launching on Monday.
What'd he do? Called other industry leaders to find funding. He said if he figured it out - great. If not - what's next? Fear wasn't part of the equation.
I go over several other amazing examples of leaders who faced rejection and failures (some 5000x), who were okay with failing and saw wonderful success.
"Success is being able to try one more time." - Thomas Edison
How do we apply this to real estate? Now's not the time for conservative behavior and old techniques. Utilize the connection economy. YOU cannot be replaced.
Here we go. Here's this week's episode of the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[04:15] “When fear takes the wheel we always crash”
[08:36] “Your success represents 1% of your work where as 99% represents failure” - Soichiro Honda
[09:10] “Learn from your failures as one can never learn from success” - James Dyson
[09:24] “as humans giving up is what we are best at, success is being able to try one more time” - Thomas Edison
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
I'm obsessed with efficiency. I want to squeeze every drop out of every day, and it essentially comes down to two words: action and reaction.
Tailors waste approximately 15% of their fabric. Let's apply that to real estate. If you're wasting 15% of your time (and honestly, I believe some agents are wasting more), that equates to 6 weeks a year.
When working towards productivity, the demons lie in "what next?". It means you're reacting to your day. Make 8 hours a day seem like 16 and stop reacting to your day by calendaring and squeezing every bit of juice out it. For instance, I Uber everywhere. That costs me 1k/month, and while I'm Ubering, I work. I make back what I've spent in multiples.
There are so many creative ways to squeeze time out of your day. If you do the things I mention in this podcast, I promise, you'll increase your productivity.
Let's not waste time! Here's this week's episode of the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[3:20] “if you are a tailor, that you are approximately going to waste 15% of your fabric”
[5:14] “”What next?” is where the demons lie!”
[7:09] “What I think is a crime is that we're all trying to figure out on the day what social media we are gonna post”
[12:45] “What happens when I take Uber? I continue to work!”
[13:38] “Doing transaction coordinating is at least 10% of your time, at least, it’s probably more!”
[14:43] “if I spend the money and after a year I see no results I'll adjust the strategy.”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday May 22, 2019
Wednesday May 22, 2019
Zillow's entrance into brokering could have a big effect on us as realtors. But it doesn't have to. If you're paying Zillow (and other similar sites + apps) to bring you leads, you'll become more dependent on them as they grow more powerful, AND you'll keep giving away those precious margins.
There's a better way, and I go over it all in this podcast. Facebook and Instagram are the two most underutilized platforms for building trust and nurturing leads that exist. And they're cheap. I take my geographic and demographic social media strategies and break them down for you in steps.
These are the things that, if you don't start doing them now, you'll look back in a year or two and wish you had.
Let's simplify it a bit: we don't sell houses. We do, but it's not the number one thing we sell. We sell empathy. If they trust you, they'll choose you over anyone else.
Social media is not something you "get to", double/triple down on this and watch it work.
Let's do it. Here's this week's episode of the Creative Entrepreneur.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[03:27] “we are getting a large slice of our business from the digital portals, right? And then the digital portals say: -okay great, we are gonna double our prices! That eats into our margins!”
[03:40] “I think the price of digital data is only gonna get bigger!”
[05:37] “the most underutilized platform that exists is Facebook and Instagram”
[06:29] “we should be double triple quadrupling down on our digital strategies because they 10X all other strategies and they cost 1/10th”
[11:20] “the reason why I'm so passionate about this is because the price is going to go up.”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday May 15, 2019
How To Become A Real Estate Ninja / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
This podcast is all about how to become a ninja real estate agent (or really just how to kick ass at anything you do).
First, let's clear the air. All those experts you see out there--they did not "wake up like this." It takes hard work and time. If I'm going to fail, I'd rather work my hardest and know I gave it my all and THEN fail.
To become successful in anything, it boils down to the following three things.
Discovery: LEARN, research, find new techniques, and get inspired.
Effort: You've learned the techniques, and you're inspired. Now what? You put your own stamp on it. You find something you like and you try it out in your own way. Trial and error.
Ability: Become a master of your craft. Spend one hour each day (yes, even weekends) outside of your workday, learning and growing in what you're wanting to become an expert in
If you don't evolve, you fade away into obscurity.
Time to get started. Here's this week's episode of the Creative Entrepreneur.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[05:34] “We can't just sit in a room and expect divine intervention to give us the answers we must learn from other people who are doing a great job at this”
[06:31] “inman.com is something that I look at every single day” - inman
[06:36] “another one whose opinion I like” - https://1000watt.net/
[06:48] “Now if you are like me and you like video and you like to learn about how to improve the quality of that craft which is beautifully dovetailed into real estate, I look at people like Peter McKinnon” - https://www.youtube.com/user/petermckinnon24
[07:26] “if I said to you - Hey would you like to have some time with Frank Gehry to pick his brains about what makes him tick would you go out for dinner if it was only going to cost you a hundred bucks?” - Masterclass
[08:25] “a company that is released a product which I think is really very powerful product that is being released across the United States which is a data mining app.” - Remine
[09:25] “you need to be tracking your social media numbers, at PLG we’ve been diving down into an app that I'm really fond of at the moment and its called IconoSquare” - iconosquare
[12:28] “becoming a master of your craft right? That does not happen Overnight it means that we must on a daily basis put at least one hour into those three categories and I'm telling you people I'm telling you for my very bones your game will improve!”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday May 08, 2019
How To Choose A Direction / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
How did PLG Estates get to where we are today? Well, I got it wrong - a lot. Here's the thing. I see a lot of people paralyzed with the fear of making the wrong choice, so they sit in the middle.
Me? When I get that little flutter in my stomach regarding a decision (AKA instinct), I run QUICKLY. I'd rather run 1000 miles an hour towards a brick wall and hit it than stay stagnant. Because then I know I can cross that direction off the list.
Once you start running, don't stop. Work 10 hours a day building this thing. Never switch off. If you're putting in 50 solid hours/week towards your goal, you're going to make a dent.
Momentum begets success begets momentum. Let's get into it, friends. Here's this week's episode of The Creative Entrepreneur.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[04:50] “ when you get an idea jump on it quickly”
[05:48] “great ideas can be shot down with what's the ROI”
[07:16] “Nothing will murder your ideas other than talking to other people!”
[07:42] “Edison had to burn through a thousand light bulbs to finally find one that went “ting” and came on.”
[08:52] “Are you putting in eight solid hours a day?”
[10:37] “you're gonna make a dent or you're gonna find out it's not the right direction and your pivot!”
[12:03] “When you get a little success, you begin to get momentum and then momentum begets success begets momentum begets success begets momentum…”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday May 01, 2019
Smashing the I Can't Do It Feeling / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Wednesday May 01, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
It happens to all of us from time to time. That feeling of overwhelm when we think about all the things we have to do.
It goes like this. You wake up on a Monday morning and you think, "Not again! I can't do this all over again!"
But the truth is, we are only in control of what we can do. I break my day down into one-hour chunks. How do you consume an elephant? One bite at a time.
Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. When I was a new agent, I had no talent in real estate. None. BUT, I worked my ass off. Run as hard as you can at your career, every waking moment, for 12 months. Explore every lead, every way you can be of service. THEN, you can make an educated decision on how far you've come.
Alright, let's go. Here's this week’s episode of The Creative Entrepreneur.
Golden Nuggets of this Episode:
[03:24] “How do you consume an Elephant? One byte at a time!” PL
[03:38] “Success is linked to did we hit our goal!” PL
[08:50] “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard” PL
[09:39] “immerse yourself in your industry completely and then you will receive the education you want” - My Father
[12:26] “I would much rather fail quickly than live a slow death of mediocrity for the rest of my life.” PL
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
The Blockbuster Effect / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
I remember sitting in my little house, and I was watching the Blockbuster Movie Awards. As I was watching the show, a package containing a DVD from my brand new Netflix subscription was placed under my door.
Blockbuster and other companies like RadioShack and Toys R Us are in trouble/bankrupt. Why? They remained static; they didn't shift strategies when the world around began to change. When we are having success and we feel like our strategies are going in the right direction, it feels fantastic. The dangerous part--the Blockbuster effect--is when we trust that it's working now and will always work.
For instance, Blockbuster seemed untouchable. They never got into streaming; I suspect they thought "This has worked for 10 years, let's just get through this." The world has moved around them, and they've remained static.
What does this mean for us? We must constantly keep tweaking our strategies, keep evolving, and keep our eyes on what's happening in the social sphere.
"Back in the day" (maybe about 10 years ago), we first started talking about blogging. And now, there's SO much noise. How do we break through? This is where changing strategy is a lifesaver. Original content. Why is it so important? 90% of people out there can't be bothered with creating it or don't believe in it. And that means, if you create original content, you'll break through.
Don't rely on the media your company provides you. That's the blockbuster effect of our day. If it isn't about you, if it doesn't have your thumbprint, I believe you'll end up in the same spot as Blockbuster or Toys R Us.
Let's get into this, friends. Here's this week’s episode of The Creative Entrepreneur.
Golden Nuggets from this Episode:
[06:45] “When we are getting success this is what I urge everyone to do, never stay still…”
[07:13] “10 years ago everybody used to advertise in the LA times”
[09:04] “there is so much noise in our daily life, how do we break through?”
[09:41] “90% of people out there either can't be bothered coming up with original content don't believe in original content, or don't have the ability to create it.”
[10:58] “Innovation is not the enemy!”
Thank you for being here,

Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
How to Grow Instagram / Peter Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Wednesday Apr 17, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
In this podcast I cover all things Instagram. While 20 minutes isn't quite long enough to get into everything there is (I could talk about this stuff all day), I do believe I cover quite a bit of useful information in this one!
Today, Instagram is not simply about having a curated lifestyle feed (although that is definitely still relevant). It's a sophisticated way for us to connect with our clients, and we'd be remiss to not recognize that or utilize these amazing features.
There are tons of apps that can help you use Instagram effectively, such as Iconosquare, Sprout Social, and Hootsuite (to name a few).
Also, within the Instagram app itself, there's some really powerful data. From collections to insights, there's so much you can do to prospect and determine what makes a powerful post for your audience.
A common misconception is that social media is something you "get to."
Social media IS your work. THIS is prospecting.
Let's get into this, friends. Here's this week’s episode of The Creative Entrepreneur.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[ 04:40] Iconosquare App -> Available on iOS, Android and Desktop
[05:07] Sprout Social App -> Available on iOS, Android and Desktop
[05:39] Hootsuite App -> Available on iOS, Android and Desktop
[13:08] “To be successful in business now we need to be prospecting through social media we need to be using collections”
[14:12] “I am just a gatekeeper to ruining many hours of your life by you nerding out and getting into the guts of Instagram but if you do it if you take the time, you will flourish!”
[14:42] “Social media is your work this needs to be an integral part of what you do on a daily basis.”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
When I was a little boy in England, my father said, "If you can find a job that you like, you are going to be happier than 98% of the population."
Here's what I see happening over and over again with young real estate agents and young men and women in other careers - they become miserable under the pressure to succeed; they become slaves to their careers and lifestyles. Why? Because they're rooted in the results. Friends, we can't control the outcome. The secret is learning to be happy, whatever the outcome. The ONLY thing you have control over is your actions.
There's freedom in this. It's about waking up every single day, busting our asses, and staying out of the results.
Let's get into this, friends. Here's this week’s episode of The Creative Entrepreneur.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:42] “if you can find a job that you like, you are going to be happier than 98% of the population!” My Father
[03:34] “there's a lot of people that drive around in maybe an expensive car and then pull into that one bedroom studio apartment in North Hollywood.”
[04:10] “Would you rather make a million bucks a year doing something that you hate or would you rather open an espresso bar in Vietnam and just have a quality of life that is beautiful?”
[04:48] “the pressure to succeed, makes people miserable it makes them slaves to their careers it makes them slaves to their lifestyles”
[05:38] “expectations, ladies and gentlemen, are freaking toxic”
[09:11] “Everyone I met and meet will get amazing service professionally and personally, that's the key!”
[10:12] “get ready cause the next 18 months are gonna be like sitting in the ring with Mike Tyson, and every time you raise your head from the mat, Mike Tyson is going to smack you down again”
[12:55] “the moment you feel like you are working just for money, is the moment it's over!”
[14:39] “we got a long life, but it goes fast!”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Technology vs Tradition / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Greetings and welcome to the Creative Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Pete Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative Boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
The real estate world has changed and continues to change today. How do you keep up? In this podcast, I go over my top websites and tech tools that help me break through the competition.
However, keep in mind. 👇
It's all in the value-add. People are disinterested in your market reports. They want to see you, as a human. Those of us who dig in and figure out who we are as real estate agents and work to contribute to our value-add, we're safe.
It's attraction, not promotion. People want to see your face, hear your voice. Treat your clients like gold.
So without further ado, let’s dig into this week’s episode of The Creative Entrepreneur.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[05:56] “Everything is just attraction, not promotion”
[08:55] “Videos with captions get open 80% more” -> visit rev
[10:06] “get the ability to have much more produced videos on Facebook” -> visit belive.tv
[11:09] “ a website where you can compare and contrast, how your social media posts are doing up against other people” -> visit buzzsumo
[11:52] “create interesting kind of graphics, animations and info videos that just look
really nice” -> visit playbuzz
[12:40] “have a Hitman on your website“-> visit hotjar
[13:25] “an app that allows you to film vertically that that will that will then automatically chop it into 15 second pieces” -> visit Storeo - iTunes store
[14:05] “this is going to be the future of prospecting” -> visit chatfuel and manychat
[14:44] “People work with you because they like you”
[15:09] “We must be accountable to our clients at all times!”
Thank you for being here,