
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
Rob Jensen is the president of Rob Jensen Properties. He's commentated for numerous national broadcasting networks, and he's provided commentary for multiple publications.
I love talking about niching down, and this guy has definitely done that. His 15 person brokerage specializes in guard-gated real estate.
He also gets marketing. Producing content - videos, articles, etc. And he's upped his paid social ad strategy. There are lots of good tips surrounding how and what in this conversation.
Oh, and in his spare time, he's an avid rock climber.
How does he stay on top of the industry? He spends time reading key players and influencers, such as Robert Campbell, The Timing Letter, 1000watt, and Tom Ferry.
He also plans ahead. We chatted about his morning routine and he said his morning routine essentially begins the evening before (most good ones do) when he strategically plans out his entire day.
We chatted about the most interesting property he sold (spoiler alert: a castle), and his brokerage's mantra "We always deliver what we promise."
Robert is a guy who believes in going back to the fundamentals of good real estate and good business: do a great job.
A valuable, well-rounded chat. Check it out.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[07:42] “I remember 2010 which was probably the worst year, where actually nobody wanted to buy in LA. I actually had one of my biggest years as a new agent because I felt that there was an opportunity to take advantage of a market for more of the investors.” - Peter Lorimer
[09:05] “I was obviously constantly reminded by my Mom that I didn't go to college to be a rock climber. But, it was kind of funny though because there was actually a good friend of mine that was a professional sponsored climber that was making the transition into real estate at about the time I moved to Vegas. And I went on some appointments with him and it was just love at first sight.” -Rob Jensen
[13:54] “you can create some of the neatest content there is but if no one's seeing it then…” - Rob Jensen
[18:31] “In Vegas especially, I feel like the vendors it's just notorious for people being flaky and no-shows... It's just like pulling teeth to get things done and get people to just do what they signed up for.” - Rob Jensen
[22:16] “I think, you know there is definitely something, a common thread between people that start brokerages I feel, which is, it's innate that we wanna share what we’ve learned.” - Peter Lorimer
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
I've stayed offline for a moment - we've been dealing with so many problems as a country, and I felt it was right to tighten the reins a bit.
But I've been getting loads of questions, and believe that now it's time to address some of them.
A common theme running throughout my DMs, emails, and messages is motivation..."How do you stay motivated?"
The news fills us with dread - because all of this is massive. So how in the world are we to stay motivated?
Stick to your schedule. Honestly, you could stop here. You do this, you'll stay in action and you'll stay motivated.
My literature teacher told me the story of a successful British writer who worked from home. Every single day, he rose at 7:30, ate breakfast, showered, and dressed. And then at 10:30, he began writing. Many times he had no idea what he was writing. But he wrote.
Me? I wake up at 5, workout, shower, breakfast, and then I get to work.
And honestly, I'm busier now than I've ever been. There's no drive time, and I'm filling that extra space with productivity.
I refuse to let negativity in.
I've always believed we should be intentional and positive, and that definitely doesn't change now. Focus on the light.
This industry doesn't get to chart the course for me. I get to do that.
Focus on the light, choose action, and use this time well (if you can). Don't waste any time. Don't wait for this to end - act now.
You'll find me amping up my creative, dreaming of new marketing strategies, and putting those dreams to work. Listen to this week's podcast for motivation and positivity.
Golden nuggets from this episode:
[01:56] “I’m working longer hours than I worked in a while because there’s no drive time anymore.”
[04:09] “Action will always outweigh thinking”
[06:43] “I refuse to let the negativity in, I’m not saying there isn’t negativity there, I just don’t let it in.”
[07:33] “We can all sense what’s occurring, so we either stand back and cross ou fingers, or we adjust our mindset.”
[10:26] “I’m not a ‘waiting for it blow over’ kind of guy.”
[11:28] “I don’t wait for the world to navigate me, I navigate me.”
External Links:
Thanks for being here,

Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
Many would agree we are in a state of market disruption. And while I do agree, I also firmly believe that we do not wallow in that. We turn the corner.
We pivot. And we prepare for the turnaround.
One thing I used to hear all the dang time was "if only". Everyone had a case of the "if only"s and it was always, "If only I had time". Well, for many of us, now we do.
Time to firm up that marketing strategy. Time to reach out. Time to get that CRM set up and organized.
Let's come out of this saying, "Market disruption was the best thing that happened to me in ___ area of my business." To do that we need to put in some work. Because I see an optimistic turn in the next few weeks, and you don't want to look back and wish you'd used this time differently.
Client engagement is paramount right now, and as many agents shut down - you should triple down. I have evidence that marching forward, and working with the amazing tools we have in front of us, works
This podcast is loaded with tactical steps and tips from my mates Andrew Flachner and Bart Marchioni, over at Real Scout, an amazing tool that is used by myself and many on my team at PLG Estates.
We must keep clients engaged with us through this hard time - because there will be a rebound. And it'll be sooner than we think.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[ 05:17] “You wanna mitigate short term impact to your business but also prepare for recovery.” - Andrew Flachner
[06:01] “When we get lemons, it’s our duty to kind turn into lemonade.” - Peter Lorimer
[06:06] “Every single person had not enough of a month ago was time.” - Peter Lorimer
[06:24] “Look at this as a blessing, because we will look back at this period and go: -S*** I wish I really kind of put everything in order at that point! because we’re gonna be off to the races at some point sooner than you know.” - Peter Lorimer
[06:52] “There are many agents who are in "wait and see" mode, or who are hibernating or who are shutting down. This is not the time to shut down, this is the time to double down.” - Andrew Flachner
[08:56] “If clients stop considering a transaction altogether, they main not remain loyal when conditions improve.” - Andrew Flachner
[09:13] “Keep clients around for the rebound.” - Andrew Flachner
[12:08] “This is not 2008, at least it is not right now. We’re not looking at clubbing out of the hole for years, we need to educate our buyer in and sellers in.” - Peter Lorimer
[13:38] “Agents who adapt quickly using new tactics, will find new opportunities to engage their clients and serve their needs.” - Bart Marchioni
Thank you for being here,

Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Thursday Apr 02, 2020
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
Hope is the best medicine.
Even though the current reality is quite dark, we can still cling to hope. We can still move forward. And, most importantly, we can focus on service.
Serving others is going to be what gets us through this thing. How can you serve? Maybe you should send that note, donate to that charity, help out that elderly person. Kindness like that spreads, and it ignites hope and light in those around us.
And that's what it's about.
We are going to see cases rise. We are edging towards even darker days. And friends, that's why we need hope now, more than ever. We'll get through this thing. I have my eyes set on it. I believe that in 30 days we're going to slowly emerge from the other side.
But we don't have to sit still now. We can offer hope, gratitude, and kindness.
We're all gonna need it.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[01:42] “I know that this is a rollercoaster, and I know as a human being and as a father, as an American citizen, the best medicine for us as a nation right now is hope.”
[02:06] “One month from now, we’re gonna come through this on the other side.”
[02:18] “Every decision we take, we should take from a place of service. Service can also include optimism.”
[03:17] “We’re not necessarily afflicted with COVID, but we’ve all been touched by the power of the economic contraction.”
[04:08] “I wanna focus on the solution, and I don’t just wanna focus on the problem.”
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Wednesday Mar 25, 2020
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
We can choose to either lean into the light or to lean into fear.
And it's completely understandable that many are teetering into fear. I really do get it, there's so much uncertainty and darkness out there.
We're isolated. It's the right thing, and at home is where we should all be and stay. But that doesn't mean we can't connect. I'm choosing not to OD on binge-watching TV shows or filling my days with solitude. I'm choosing community.
Because here's the deal: in real estate, we tend to know a whole bunch of people. A lot. Hundreds of touchpoints, ways to connect.
And please hear me say this: In no way at all am I suggesting that now is a time to pitch anything or even mention real estate.
I am saying to schedule a Zoom coffee with a friend.
I am saying to set up a virtual playdate for your child.
I'm also saying to call someone in your database that could use a chat.
Community is truly everything, and we thankfully have technology at our fingertips that can help us. And while we have guidelines handed down from the California Association of Realtors (which I wholeheartedly agree with), there are ways, thanks again to technology, to have some business continuity.
We can still go to vacant homes and give clients virtual tours. We can (tastefully) double our outreach. Fill in the blanks here and innovate.
We may be in the belly of the beast right now, but we don't have to be truly alone. We're in this together.
Thankful for this community, my family here at home with me, and my PLG Estates family.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:27] “It’s very easy to lean into the fear, and I don’t blame anybody who’s doing it. But I encourage us all especially at this time, we need to come together instead of fall apart.”
[03:55] “I have seen a bunch of flyers coming through in email that say: - ‘Covid-19 wash your hands and if you got any real estate questions, contact me.’ And I as an end-user, I would unsubscribe and never use that agent again, because it appears like they are trying to capitalize on tragedy.”
[04:55] “Community is everything at times like this.”
[06:15] “My outreach has doubled and it will continue to double, in part because it stops me from going crazy.”
[06:31] “We either lean into the fear or we lean into the light, but this guy will never be leaning into the fear, no matter what happens, even if it is the end of the World.”
Thanks for being here,
❤️ Pete

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
Take a deep breath. Pause. It's not time to react. Let's give ourselves a collective moment and gather some clarity of thought.
There's a whole heap of unknowns out there right now.
Here's what we do know:
1. That we don't know much.
2. We need to practice safe social distancing.
Over the past several years, we've all been going, going, going. It's time to stop. We're going to have to relearn this, I think.
It's time to breathe, and it's possibly time to create. To innovate.
How is business going to be affected? We just don't know. We know that many businesses and hourly employees are struggling right now... and that should urge us to ask how we can help.
What does this mean for real estate? Again, it's too early to tell. BUT - this too shall pass.
Whenever I have decisions to make, instead of knee-jerking, I do nothing. When in doubt, do nothing. My instinct tells me that we will see a path for the better or worse by the end of the week.
So, let's see how it shakes out. Let's wash our hands, practice social distancing, continue with business as usual, and do something meaningful with the time we're gaining from not having to commute or take kids somewhere.
And let's remember: there are men and women sacrificing their lives and days and nights to keep us healthy. Healthcare workers, food service employees - thank you.
I refuse to let this inject fear into my life. Faith over fear, my friends.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:26] “This too shall pass, what it means to me is even though we are in a moment where we wanna run down the street with our hair on fire thinking: “what’s next, this is the end of the world”, my belief structure and this is only my opinion, I believe this will pass. Yes we will be forever changed by this event, for the positive or for the worst had yet to be determined.”
[03:26] “I feel the government are looking to prop up business with interest rates and, I kind of speak from the heart because I at the moment myself I’m in escrow on a new home.
[04:06] “When in doubt, do nothing.”
[04:41] “I also believe in the power of the pause, right now none of us can predict where this is gonna go. So when I need to ponder a decision, I do just that, I take a pause.”
[05:23] “Obviously all for us at PLG Estates are now working virtually and we are all practicing safe social distance.”
[05:45] “I as a private citizen, will not be taken down by this. I refuse to let this inject fear into my life. I am a man that has always made decisions based upon faith and never fear, and that will not change today”
Thanks for being here,

Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Thursday Mar 12, 2020
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
Chandler David Smith found success in door-to-door pest control sales, making 96k in his first four months. He's the door-knocking success story.
He then invested his earnings in real estate. He's 29 and he has over 120 doors of rentals.
I've tended to cast a bit of shade towards door-knocking, but this guy blew me out of the water with his skills and success.
Here's what I think I loved most about Chandler: He doesn't care what the rest of the world is doing, he does it his way.
You'll get to hear firsthand exactly how he does it, too. It all comes down to three things: verbal, nonverbal, and para verbal communication.
Today, he mentors sales reps to sell and invest in real estate.
His top three pieces of advice:
You need to know when to sprint.
Don't bounce around.
Know where you want to be.
Leverage is huge here. People are constantly bouncing around, with a lifetime of 3-month careers, instead of leveraging and making it all flow, building on top of what they've created.
There's also a huge takeaway in this one for real estate agents. Listen up, because you'll learn exactly why you should get to know every pest control guy and gal in your area.
You find him here:
I can't wait for you to give this episode of The Real Estate Entrepreneur a listen.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[06:27] “Most of the time, if you open the door because someone knocked on your, you already don’t like this guy.”
[10:52] “I don’t know if you noticed, but the first thing I did is I got three yeses from you, I asked you questions about your company that I knew I could get a yes, I didn’t want any no’s early.”
[11:33] “have planned eye contact breaks, and when you make eye contact again getting a good smile”
[16:00] “For something to work, you gotta run that at, hard, all day, every day for at least a year.”
External links:
The Happiness Advantaged - Book
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
I was recently on Jordan Paris's podcast and enjoyed the time so much that I had to have him on the show.
He's a 22-year-old entrepreneur with a successful podcast and business under his belt who thrives on designing a life through love, joy, and curiosity.
The time is now. And always will be. Don't stop yourself before you ever get a chance to start. It's never too late.
(All industries are saturated. Just go.)
We talked about his daily routine, how he gets in the zone, and a quote he lives by.
One thing we really hit on was apprenticeships. You may have to work horrible, long hours - but it pays off immensely.
He's created a glorious library of life already. Give this episode of The Real Estate Entrepreneur a listen and let me know what you think.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[04:08] “Don’t make a living, design a life.” - Jordan Paris
[11:25] “Just because someone loves you, doesn’t mean they know what is best for you.” - Jordan Paris
[16:14] “if you have on foot in yesterday and the other foot in tomorrow, you’re p***** allover today.” - Peter Lorimer
[17:35] “We don’t like people that talk about their accomplishments on social media.” Jordan Paris
[27:08] “There are no ordinary moments.” Jordan Paris [Dan Millman]
External Links:
TED Talks: The Official TED Guide to Public Speaking - Chris Anderson
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
The Art Of Confidence / Peter Lorimer - The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Wednesday Feb 19, 2020
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
Confidence is an art. Which is good news, because if you're not innately confident, don't worry. There are strategies for this.
Lack of confidence typically comes down to two things: Fear of what others think and ego. And we can even simplify that further into this: lack of confidence is rooted in fear.
A simple way to gain confidence is to educate yourself. Maybe you don't know enough. Don't wait for someone to teach you. Anything you could possibly want to learn is on YouTube.
Confidence leads to action and action leads to success.
The what-ifs, the second-guessing... those things are the dream, ambition, and career killers.
And they all lead to vanilla decisions.
Whenever I need to make a decision that has multiple choices, I get quiet, and ask myself, which way should I go? I've found that the right answer is always the first and quietest.
I struggle with the same demons as everyone else. I just don't listen to them anymore.
...And I just believe I have a shot. And so should you.
Listen to this week's podcast and get fired up!
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[03:14] “Fear is the most toxic thing known to man, if fear heeds his hands on the wheel, in my case it always goes wrong.”
[04:38] “You can’t really act if you’re not confident.”
[05:00] “Confidence leads to action, and action leads to success.”
[05:15] “The most toxic vacillation is second-guessing.”
[07:16] “I listen to that first little quiet voice, with I believe it is my intuition, whenever I listen to that voice I never go wrong when I listen to the debating society I always seem to make a mistake.”
[07:42] “Confidence is the difference between thinking about something and doing something.”
[13:15] “Bad ideas ultimately lead to good ones.”
Thanks for being here,
❤️ Pete

Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Wednesday Feb 12, 2020
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast, I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now host of the show Stay Here on Netflix and owner LA’s most creative boutique real estate firm, PLG Estates.
The real estate industry is growing more and more vanilla as the years progress. As digital and data grow bigger, creativity and personal interactions begin to decrease.
And I'm almost thankful for that.
Because now, there's room for creative, entrepreneurial real estate agents to create their mark on all of the vanilla that's permeating the industry today.
And it begins with your Unique Value Proposition.
What is your UVP?
For example, when I started, I had a very small niche. People in the music industry, then it eventually spanned to creatives. That's a key piece of PLG Estates Unique Value Proposition.
Go out there and research and discover everything you can about Unique Value Propositions and work towards what yours is.
We don't sell houses, we sell trust. It's never transactional - it's always the long game, and that's why knowing your UVP is so important!
Check out this week's episode of The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast and get to work on your Unique Value Proposition.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[03:44] “At the end of the day if we can’t differentiate ourselves from everyone else, then it’s kind of like luck of the draw.”
[06:16] “I always try and think of something that I can do to maybe leave a little more on the planet than I take.”
[06:43] “If I hear somebody’s “why”, rather than the “how” and rather than their “what” first, I’m gonna be more drawn to them.”
[09:54] “There is gonna be more and more technology "vanillarization" of this industry.”
[10:18] “At the end of the day, what do we sell? We sell trust, we don't sell houses.”
[11:13] “When we focus on our business as transactional we are dead.”
Thanks for being here,