
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Wednesday Mar 24, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living. I am absolutely delighted to have Kevin Kreider from the hit Netflix show Bling Empire. Knowing Kevin personally, it is an honor to have him tell his incredible story of risk which ultimately led him to LA and get discovered. Kevin shares his 10-year journey of overcoming fear, discrimination, and hardship to achieve true self-belief and mental happiness. Take a listen as Kevin reminds us all to follow our compass and not live with regret.
Connect with Kevin Kreider
Instagram @kevin.kreider
Website https://kevinkreider.com/
YouTube Kevin Kreider
Netflix Bling Empire Show https://www.netflix.com/title/81039144

Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Wednesday Mar 10, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host, Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living. Breaking into luxury is one of the most difficult genres of real estate to carve out a career path. I go over 5 tips plus a bonus tip at the end of how I successfully penetrated the hyper-competitive luxury market of Los Angeles.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[01:45] "Very few people are consistent and consistency always wins."
[02:31] “It was a grind, but I will tell you this, what I did have in my mind was I'd read Napoleon Hill - Think and Grow Rich” and I'd write down goals."
[03:02] “If you're a new agent you do anything and everything."
[08:22] “With luxury, there is a different way to prospect. The different way to prospect is you always, always, always have to bring value."
[11:11] "If I prospect a luxury client, I've got notes on their house, or notes on the house they bought, notes on their jobs, notes on their kids, notes on their dogs. I got notes on everything."
[12:15] "Never look at the clients as a commission, look at what you make in a year, a salary, and treat everyone the same."
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Wednesday Mar 03, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living.
Trusting my instinct is probably the smartest thing I’ve ever done and one of the most important topics of discussion in my videos. When you can trust your instincts to make that leap of faith, it’s a mighty system of checks and balances that will lead you to success. I share my approach of how educating yourself will only get you 65% of the way there. The remaining 35% is gut.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:31] "you get that gut instinct that you react upon. And it can be just as powerful as spending months, if not years, trying to figure it out."
[02:42] "Perfection is the enemy of success."
[03:11] "probably for about the past 20 years. I have never figured the entire result out of anything I've ever tried."
[07:03] "If you need to make it big decision and you can't get the answer, the power of the pause, but put a time limit on it."
[08:53] "if you're in a relationship with someone and it's several months or years down the road and you're like, well, he's going to get better, he just is. Chances are, he's not."
[10:02] "if you can learn to trust your gut on a daily basis, you will be rocketed into the fourth dimension."
Take a listen and thanks for being here, PL

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living.
Back in the ’90s, when I was a young, headstrong record producer, I was asked to work with George Michael by George himself and I turned it down. Regret would be too strong a word, but a colossal mistake — YES! The silver lining is I learned one of the most valuable lessons in business from that encounter. It was the first time I had to think macro instead of micro, and I failed to see the big picture and the incredible opportunity for my music career. Thinking “WE” instead of “ME” is what I could not comprehend at the age of 24, and it’s haunted me ever since. Click on the link below for a listen and remember, shortcuts lead to dead ends.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[01:40] "I see a lot of people getting into business and other businesses where we all have our eye on the prize"
[04:32] "because it was a B level studio, a lot of people didn't have engineers, so they used me as their engineer. I got a really good name as being someone that could really nail electronic music."
[05:09] "I remixed like David Bowie, I remixed De La Soul, Queen Latifah, I remixed Monie Love, I remixed INXS. And I notched up a lot of hits, really young. I was probably 21 something, maybe 22."
[06:33] "down the steps comes George Michael and George Michael walked in the studio. Now, this was breathtaking because he was the biggest artist in the world."
[08:21] "the biggest mistake in my mind was I should have pulled back, which is what I advise all my agents to do now in real estate. Don't just look in the macro. What's the big picture? Don't look at the small picture."
[12:46] "There is a way for all of us to win in just about all transactions. There are some exceptions to that, but there is a way for us all to win. And that is the lesson sitting in the chairman's office of CBS records with George Michael, I didn't comprehend."
Take a listen and thanks for being here,

Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Wednesday Feb 17, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living.
Do you want to know how to tap into your inner warrior? How to turn on your personality full of confidence to deliver the very best you? Here are some mental techniques that I use to psyche myself up for a big meeting, listing appointment, or anytime I need that extra dose of mojo.
Take a listen and I wish you all to be your very best bada** selves!
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:48] "What screws up a meeting is either fear or what makes it awesome is faith, what makes it disastrous is control and expectations."
[04:12] "fear can be becoming baffling and powerful and almost unnoticeable."
[05:47] "something else marvelous happens when I lean into that faith,
a trail of breadcrumbs appears"
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Wednesday Feb 10, 2021
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living. Do you want to succeed and be a member of the 1% club? I have the secret entrepreneurs use as their business hack to get ahead. This strategy I’m sharing with you will absolutely transform your business, bringing you closer to your goals, and the best part is it’s simple to deploy.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:53] "I want to frame it with this, which is Winston Churchill was famed during World War II, which is one of the most kind of like chaotic times and dangerous times and highly pressurized times of the 20th century in my Homeland of the United Kingdom or Great Britain as it was called back then. And Churchill was faint to say this phrase, which has always stuck with me since I was a boy, he said: "I want to accomplish one big thing today."
[04:39] "You prepare your golden hour before the day begins and you attack."
Take a listen and thanks for being here

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Podcast - 2021 Motivation / Peter Lorimer - The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Wednesday Feb 03, 2021
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living. Here are some of my top techniques to get us going in this most complicated of years 2021. We must have a motivation roadmap. Otherwise, it is just a whole gang load of “shoulds.” Adopt the MUST mindset for 30 days and see what happens. Divorce yourself from expectation, stay in action, and our actions for the next 30 days is to complete these tasks. Take a listen and get motivated!
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[01:53] "People are feeling a little stifled, maybe a little reserved and just, kinda the gumption, they get up and go, he's feeling a little bit tapped. "
[02:55] "In a normal year when we're around people, we get that kind of slap on the back, we get that camaraderie and we get that, you know, add a boy and a girl from some of our colleagues that we see."
[05:48] "What are the steps that you are going to commit to? How are you going to commit to yourself and to your business for the next 30 days? "
Thanks for being here.❤️ xPL

Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Wednesday Jan 27, 2021
Greetings my lovelies and welcome to another great episode of The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast. Jennifer Wehner of The Wehner Group is a Top Producing Agent in Scottsdale, Arizona, shares her secrets of being a strong team leader, pivoting referrals into sales, and how spirituality is the thread keeping her business and family life thriving. She is also one of the few agents who embraced video and YouTube almost a decade ago. Enjoy listening to this badass boss who is in the trenches every day, paying it forward. Let's get into it...
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[04:34] “One thing that’s really important to me is my relationship with God, and without that relationship with God I wouldn’t be able to do everything that I do.” - Jennifer Wehner
[09:01] “You may say I am a beast but I have failed more times than I won, but I just had to learn from my fails and how to propel that forward and not getting stuck.” - Jennifer Wehner
[12:13] “There is service, there is self-serving and then there is selfish. Service is the one we strive to go through, self-serving is where it looks like you are helping someone but the motive is really your own and then selfish is pretty easy to spot.” - Peter Lorimer
[18:28] “I take my obligation as a team leader and as a mom very seriously.” - Jennifer Wehner
[28:31] “Put Beethoven on when you go prospect and will find that you make more appointments” - Jennifer Wehner
[37:28] “My phrase is: -If you’re thinking “do I need to disclose this?”, you need to disclose this.” - Peter Lorimer
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living.
On today's podcast, I will be going over the TOP 5 Tips to attract more business to you! I’ve been using these for over the past 15 years here in LA – one of the most hypercompetitive real estate markets in the world – and it has always, always, always delivered for me. Now let's get into this weeks episode of the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:44] "if somebody gets back really quick, and they're friendly and nice and helpful and have a positive attitude, chances are, if you hear what you want, you can just stop looking."
[03:55] "Naturally, we're here to be people's guides. We have to tell the truth. We have to be client-focused. But have you ever met someone? That's got tons of energy that feels really optimistic and that is just positive to be around it's intoxicating."
[06:05] "In 2021, people just don't pick up the phone as much. So if people are calling in, you actually pick up, you might get this and I'm sure you've had it, or Ooh. Oh, wow. You picked up I'm amazed. Nobody ever picks up anymore. Well, imagine if 90% of your competition is not picking up. You have just increased your odds.
❤️ xPL

Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Wednesday Jan 13, 2021
Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living. 2021 is finally here, and it’s TOTALLY up to you how the year begins!
You could worry about things you have no control over and let that worry permeate your psyche so the tone of the year is based upon fears and worries that might never happen OR you can enter the year as a fearless warrior, ready to take the bull by the horns with a “go get it” attitude and a “why the hell not me” mindset! I, for one, am absolutely frothing at the mouth with excitement. NOTHING is going to stand in my way, and I intend to make 2021 the best year yet. Now let's get into this week's episode of The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
(02:21) "I don't need to recap, all of the tragedy and, the horrendous stuff that went on last year, I just don't want to do that right now. It's a fresh start. It's a clean slate"
(02:44) "I am absolutely going to be a warrior. I want to just pick up my sword and charge into the battlefield of 2021 with just my eye on the prize."
[03:28] "I will not let worry enter my bones. I just will not."
[05:32] "This is a brand new year, a clean slate for us to join hands, for us to help each other, for us to help others who might not be in the same position we are."
[05:52] "2021 is just something that I refuse to be anything other than the best year I will have experienced yet."
As always, thanks for being here.❤️ xPL