
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Wednesday Jun 16, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host, Peter Lorimer, Partner/VP of Corcoran Global Living in Los Angeles and master motivator. When I started in the real estate game, I was told to look, act, and think a certain way which completely zapped my soul, making me feel like a complete fraud. My glorious wife and business partner Cindy told me to do it my way, and here is where my niche began. Appealing to the masses will get you nowhere. I hope this inspires you to own your niche and why people want to work with you!
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:31] "I tried it the way of this particular company for about six months. And I can tell you, ladies and gentlemen, I was miserable."
[02:54] "I remember coming home to my lovely wife, Cindy, and I said to her, Babe. I just don't know if I can do this. I think I'd rather drive a bus."
[04:32] "The reason why I was so good with creatives is because I was one of them. I could connect."
[05:06] "My unofficial name in LA was the rock and roll realtor, the ex music business guy that got into real estate."
[05:42] "If somebody wanted to buy a house that was a sports trainer, I would help him. But to the outside world, My niche was creative."
[07:53] "If I sit down with a table full of brain surgeons, I might struggle for compensation, but if I sit down with, an album designer or a tour manager, you know, an artist and this and that, I can speak their language all day, all night."
[08:20] "I've been to some of these networking events where it almost feels like Tinder, like people are just there to get a hit."
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
How to Create Impact, Personality, and Trust with Luke Acree
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Wednesday Jun 09, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host, Peter Lorimer, Partner/VP of Corcoran Global Living in Los Angeles and master motivator. Today I have the entrepreneur Luke Acree who elevated the real estate marketing game with his powerhouse company Reminder Media and his podcast, Stay Paid. I am a big fan of his products, especially the delicious American Lifestyle Magazine. His arsenal of sophisticated marketing is a game-changer, making the investment match the quality of client you get in return. For prospecting and enhancing your UVP, this is a must-listen!
Connect with Luke Acree
Instagram @lukeacree at @remindermedia
Website: https://remindermedia.com/

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Should You Go To College? / Peter Lorimer - The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real EstateEntrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, Partner/VP of CorcoranGlobal Living and master motivator. I was asked, “Should you go to college?” by a young man who has a headful of ideas and a heartful of dreams. He wants to take that risk and “Go for it!” College or no college, we’ve all experienced those life-changing decisions of what we should do vs. what we desire to do. No matter what stage you are in life, you never want to regret not taking that leap.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:30] "I tend to come from the school of, be an entrepreneur, go for it."
[02:44] "Life for me is about experimentation. It's about risk-taking, it's not about doing the same as what my parents did."
[03:41] "Orthodox qualifications for this entrepreneur never really felt like my path."
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday May 26, 2021
Embracing the Entrepreneurial Mindset With Trevor Mauch
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Connect with Trevor Mauch
Instagram @trevor.mauch at @getcarrot
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/carrotcast-podcast-real-estate-marketing-for-investors/id1128895643
Website: https://carrot.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/OnCarrot/videos

Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, Partner/VP of Corcoran Global Living and master motivator. Are you a newbie agent or one who needs a refresh? Dying to get your swagger on but don’t know how? Well, this video is for you then as I go over my top 10 tips on how to become a Rock Star Realtor. Following this list has changed my career for the better and if you stay consistent, I know you’ll reap the rewards. Fuel for your hustle!
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:15] "97.5% of agents that are not successful. The reason is, is because they don't prospect."
[03:29] "When people email, you get back to them within an hour."
[04:09] "They'll maybe go for lunch, come back and putter around for an hour and then go home. And they wonder why they closing four deals a year."
[05:07] "When you are a business, you are multiple faceted parts of that business."
[07:46] "Doing freebies is a really good way to kind of bolster your sphere of influence."
[09:03] "When I was selling multi-million dollar houses to people in the Hollywood Hills, They didn't want to know about me selling $350,000 lofts in downtown."
[10:36] "don't underestimate YouTube because we're still at the beginning."
[11:23] "I spend at least an hour or two a day planning, marketing, and I tend to do it at five in the morning so I can keep my day free for business stuff."
[13:13] "Google and YouTube are monsters and we take them for granted."
[15:08] " If you constantly post, not just business, you're going to have personality, fun, business, puppies, lattes, business, walkthroughs, design, it's going to be the whole package, right? It's got to be a 360 degree package of you."
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday May 12, 2021
Talking With Real Estate Royalty – The One & Only Sally Forster Jones
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, Partner/VP of Corcoran Global Living and master motivator. It is an honor to have the incredible Sally Forster Jones share her successful real estate entrepreneur journey, being recognized all over the world for her jaw-dropping gorgeous listings. Her focus on building relationships, prospecting, and honing in on what she does best has allowed her to grow a real estate empire with the support of a loyal, motivated team. This episode is definitely on repeat!
Connect with Sally Forster Jones
Instagram @sally.forster.jones
Website https://sallyforsterjones.com/
YouTube: SFJ Group

Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, Partner/VP of Corcoran Global Living and master motivator. This episode is Part 2 of the Secrets of the 1% with The Golden Hour Breakdown. Shoutout to my mate @darineppich for requesting this after seeing my original video – How To Succeed Like The Top 1% Business-Hack.
What is The Golden Hour?
Time in our day that we are not using but SHOULD be using. I break down how the 2 Parameters, 5 Rules, and 4 Questions can improve your business – GUARANTEED.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:44] "You get to do the workout and have your breakfast and do the meditation as a reward for the golden hour, I get up an hour and 15 minutes earlier."
[04:46] "Get up one hour and 15 minutes ahead of your normal time and start working within 10 minutes of your eyes opening and you cannot hit snooze."
[05:40] "It's like an annex to your normal day and it can be stuff that you just never get to, not emails and stuff like that because you should get to them during the day."
[06:30] " So I'm essentially bolting on the golden hour to the rest of my day, and if it means I sleep an hour earlier, I really don't care because by the time, you know, eight, nine o'clock rolls around I'm jelly, anyway."
Thanks for being here,

Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Eliminating Obscurity With Zillow Killer James Rembert
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, Partner/VP of Corcoran Global Living and master motivator. This episode goes deep with James Rembert, aka The Zillow Killer, as he drives home the power of finding yourself first before doing anything else with your business. His mindset shift of making lead generation not only accessible but easy for agents to understand is a game-changer, garnering him numerous accolades, speaking engagements, and a waitlist for his infamous Bootcamp. Powerful stuff in this one, and it left me thinking!
Connect with James Rembert
Instagram @zillowkiller
Website https://www.jamesrembert.com/
Clubhouse James Rembert | The ZillowKiller Network

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host, Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living. This episode is a new series called Fireside Chat, a more intimate journey where I dig a little deeper into my personal and professional life experiences. Today, I share my first year in real estate, including the failures, the triumphs, and those a-ha life-changing moments.
Golden Nuggets from this episode:
[02:58] "I had to kiss goodbye to a career that I had loved for 15, 20 years and took an enormous leap of faith with no income into a new job."
[04:27] "I remember speaking to my manager saying, you're advising me to go door knocking. You're advising me to send postcards to a geographic area. You're advising me to do cold calls. What do you say to other people who are joining the industry? And she said without missing a beat. Well, we tell them exactly the same thing."
[05:35] "I remember coming home to my wife, Cindy. And I said, I am hating this. I said, I don't feel like a, me. I feel like a fraud. I'm dressed up in a suit. That's really not me. I just want to wear, you know, my music business gear and my sneakers and my shorts and all of that stuff, which you could do in LA, and you still can. And she gave me the glorious words of: "Just do what you want to do. And then the universe will take care of the rest.".
[07:24] "My first listing was actually a hundred miles away, but I refused to give it away. I refused, my manager said: -Oh, you need to refer them out. And I said: - Not on your life."
[08:37] "If you're unsure, turn up at the property an hour earlier, that you're about to show. Scope it out and then write some notes, go look at where the Starbucks are."
[11:54] "I'm in LA and everybody talks about entertainment all the time. I decided to not mention anything to a soul. So the brokerage I was at, I just shuffled in the back. I sat down. I put my hand up as a new agent. I absorbed everything. I asked questions. I checked my ego at the door because I was on a one-way journey."
[11:55] "My thing was, I knew the numbers. I knew the streets. I knew the houses. I knew the bedroom count. I knew the comps. I knew them all in my mind. And I had it all in my iPad."
[17:07] "Social media allows us to get online and really bare our soul. Really show people who we are really kind of, give it all away. And it allows people to make their judgment calls and our character"
Take a listen and thanks for being here, PL

Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Wednesday Apr 07, 2021
Greetings and Welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, host of the Netflix show Stay Here, and now Partner/VP of Corcoran Global Living. Today I have the incredible entrepreneur Andrew Flachner share his life journey towards becoming the Co-Founder and President of RealScout – a tech startup tackling residential real estate’s core problem: matching homebuyers and homes. Did you know he started his first business at 8 years old and sold a home before he finished high school? Watch and learn how Andrew’s expertise and the power of RealScout will help you capture more leads.
Connect with Andrew Flachner
Instagram @aflachner
Website https://www.realscout.com/
YouTube RealScout